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Saturday, August 31, 2013


There are never enough shoes in a women’s closet. Shoes are the perfect accessory and always make the outfit! For you, shoe addict, whether you’re in search of sparkly stilettos or cute sandals, Massimo Bonini have them all.
Massimo and Sabrina Bonini opened their first luxury multibrand showroom in Via Montenapoleone in the 1980′s. They reinforced their presence on the international market, by distributing to the best stores in the world: today, the showroom operates in 63 countries. Massimo Bonini distribute renowned brands of shoes and accessories produced by excellent Italian companies.
Shoe shopping is one of the most delightful shopping experiences. Massimo Bonini is perfect for updating your closet for the new season’s shoes.

SS2013 Kalliste Blue Glitter Sandal SS2013 Kalliste Yellow gold chain SandalSS2013 Lerre Red Patent Sandal SS2013 Lerre Blue Patent SandalSS2013 Sebastian Swaroski Pep Toe Shoe    SS2013 Kalliste Glitter Highheel SandalSS2013 Henderson Purple LoaferSS2013 Henderson Brown Penny Loafer  SS2013 Gedebe Silver Phyton BangleSS2013 Gedebe Black Swaroski BangleSS2013 Gedebe Clicky Bluete Snake SS2013 Gedebe Clicky Emerald Snake

Thursday, August 29, 2013



Yuk, tampil cantik dengan sentuhan seni baroque yang populer pada abad ke-17! Dalam sekejap penampilan akan terlihat unik dan artsy. Pssttt...tambahkan aksesori gold untuk kesan glamor!

Silk Dress, ASK
Beaded Purse, Accessorize
Baroque-Patterned Bag, Accessorize
Stacked Bracelets, Accessorize
Stone Ring, MIKA
Authentic Watch, Casio
Classic Oxfords, VNC

Runway: Dolce & Gabbana – Milan Fashion Week Womenswear Autumn/Winter

Penulis: Natasha Ghea Permata
Foto: Dok. CosmoGIRL!

Untuk tren fashion terkini, simak CosmoGIRL! edisi terbaru. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Apa yang ‘seragam’ dalam gaya para selebriti Hollywood belakangan ini? Tak lain adalah kacamata hitam berbentuk unik yang dipilih untuk menemani aksi kasual mereka di waktu santai. Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Olsen, Lindsay Lohan, dan Miley Cyrus ‘ketangkap basah’ memakai quirky sunniessebagai aksesori wajib saat hangout di awal musim gugur. Kita yang tinggal di negara tropis jangan mau ketinggalan, dong! Terlebih dengan sinar matahari yang hadir sepanjang musim, kacamata hitam penting banget untuk melindungi mata dari sengatan sinar UV sekaligus berfungsi sebagai aksesori buatfashion look kita. Dan kali ini, kacamata dengan bingkai berbentuk unik dan warna-warni seru—bahkan corak print yang meriah—siap membuat kita jadi sorotan. We love this fun trend!
Penulis: Jessica Esther
Foto produk: Dok. CosmoGIRL!
Untuk tren fashion terkini, simak CosmoGIRL! edisi terbaru


Rok mini yang mempunyai siluet lebar ini jadi salah satu must-have item di bulan ini. Yupflare skirtmemang pas banget buat dipakai saat pergi nge-dateYou’ll look cute and flirty!

Pink Organza, PICNIC
Mint Boucle, TOPSHOP
Red Orange, PICNIC
White Swan, TOPSHOP
Boho Girl, PICNIC
Sheer Beige, TOPSHOP

Runway: Kenzo – Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Fall/Winter

Foto: Franck Prevel/Getty Images
Penulis: Aryanie Puspita Dewi
Foto produk: Dok. CosmoGIRL!
Untuk tren fashion terkini, simak CosmoGIRL! edisi terbaru.

Monday, August 26, 2013


Ada aksesori seru nih, untuk pelengkap gaya kasualmu. Dia adalah sporty hat yang bisa menyulap boyish look menjadi lebih edgy!
Sporty cap terinspirasi oleh para atlet yang suka memakai topi di lapangan saat pertandingan. Sementara sporty beanie awalnya berfungsi untuk menahan dinginnya cuaca di waktu winter. Namun kali ini sporty hat tampil lebih fashionable, salah satunya dengan tambahan aksen sequin serta diamante yang menghadirkan sentuhan glam pada daily look.
Buat si rambut panjang maupun si rambut pendek, topi-topi ini bisa dikenakan sebagai opsi untuk fashion look kamu yang bergaya boyish. �Psst, boleh juga dipakai sebagai penyelamat gaya saat sedang bad hair day, lho!

Leopard Print,�TOPSHOP
Pompom Beanie,�Forever21
Sequin Cap,�TOPSHOP
Space Dye,�TOPSHOP

Knit Beanie,�MANGO
Sporty Diamante,�TOPSHOP

Penulis: Riesty Ichsana
Foto produk: Dok. CosmoGIRL!

Untuk tren fashion terkini, simak CosmoGIRL! edisi terbaru.


Bergaya ultra feminin ataupun preppy, detail eyelet tampil menyemarakkan tren bulan ini. Aksen bolong-bolong ini secara instan memberi sentuhan unik pada outfit maupun aksesori. Peek-a-boo!
Pretty Skirt, Sash
Beige Bag, Max C London
Peep Toe Wedges, Forever 21
Cut Out Top, Gaudi
Two Tone, Rosebud
Classic Sneakers, Converse
Foto: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images
Penulis: Aryanie Puspita Dewi
Foto produk: Adrian Stephanus
Untuk tren fashion terkini, simak CosmoGIRL! edisi terbaru.

Rambut Pendek Trend 2013: Gaya Chic Gaya Klasik

Rambut pendek bukan berarti nggak bisa gaya. Banyak model yang bisa kamu cobain. Contohnya rambut pendek Bob. Model rambut pendek ini memang klasik sejak tahun 1920-an. But, the Bob is still trendy in modern hair fashion, karena rambut pendek model Bob ini praktis diaplikasikan, tidak terlalu panjang, mudah ditata, tapi tetap menampilkan kesan feminin.
Potongan rambut pendek model Bob ini memang pilihan terbaik dan praktis untuk menata rambut kamu. This is a versatile hairstyle to fit into any decade. Untuk bikin rambut pendek 2013 kamu makin gaya, kamu bisa tambahin poni cantik di dahi dan menyelipkan rambut di sisi kanan dan kiri di belakang telinga atau bandana ala Audrey Hepburn. Selain itu, ada beberapa aksesoris yang bisa jadi pemanis rambut pendek 2013 sehingga tampil twenties and simply classic. Let’s take a look, Dear aksesoris rambut pendek trend 2013
1. Hair comb
Sekilas aksesoris berbentuk sisir ini terlihat kayak sisir mini. But, the fact is this is a lovely accessory for your short hair. Biasanya disematin aja di rambut kamu. Hiasannya bervariasi, ada yang berbentuk bunga-bunga, untaian mutiara, juga ada yang berbentuk pita (kupu-kupu). Aksesoris cantik ini cocok untuk semua rambut pendek model Bob, tinggal disematkan di antara bagian atas dan bagian samping rambut.
2. Feather
Butuh aksesoris yang lebih gaya? Kamu bisa cobain aksesoris yang identik dengan bulu ungas ini. This is a must have accessory for an evening event. Biasanya terbuat dari bulu burung merak sehingga corak warna-warninya bisa menghiasi rambut pendek 2013 kamu. Cara penggunaannya pun gampang, tinggal diletakkan di bagian samping dan depan kepala, and voila… you’ll look flawless.
3. Bobby Pin
Aksesoris yang satu ini pasti udah nggak asing lagi buat kamu, Dear. Ya, ini memang sering banget digunakan untuk menjaga potongan rambut pendek model Bob biar tatanannya tetep rapih. Sekarang bobby pin nggak cuma tampil hitam polos, tapi juga dihiasi manik-manik dalam warna-warna cerah.
4. Barrettes
Kamu juga pasti nggak asing dengan aksesoris ini. Sebenarnya fungsinya sama seperti bobby pins, yaitu buat menjaga potongan rambut biar tetap rapih. Tapi di salah satu ujungnya ada pengunci sehingga bakal menjepit rambut pendek kamu dengan lebih ketat. Di bagian atas biasanya dihiasi dengan manik-manik warna-warni.

Pastinya aksesoris untuk rambut pendek 2013 dengan gaya twenties tadi gampang banget ditemukan. So, being flawless with classic style is easy.


Sweater bermodel oversized memang pas banget buat menemani kita di saat musim hujan sekarang ini. Bagaimana kalau kita memilih model sweater dengan tambahan motif supaya terlihat makin keren?Yes, we can’t agree more!

Sleeve Details, PICNIC
Leopard Knit, Pull & Bear
Wool Lips, Pull & Bear
Black Wolf, Warehouse
Floral Prints, PICNIC
Rabbit Love, TOPSHOP

Runway: Just Cavalli – Milan Fashion Week Womenswear Autumn/Winter

Penulis: Jessica Estherina
Foto produk: Dok. CosmoGIRL!

Untuk tren fashion terkini, simak CosmoGIRL! edisi terbaru.

Sunday, August 25, 2013


Berikut beberapa variasi unik updo buat inspirasi kamu untuk tampil memukau di malam prom nanti.Très chic!

Flipped-up Loose
Simple yet elegant. Aplikasikan aksi lipat ini dengan cara menyisir seluruh rambut ke bagian samping, kemudian gulung dari ujung membentuk rol hingga ke bagian pangkal, lalu jepit.

Twisted Bangs
Tarik belahan rambut ke samping, kemudia ambil bagian poni, pelintir hingga ke bagian belakang telinga, dan jepit. Sedangkan bagian belakang bisa dibuat high ponytail atau simple bun. Kuncinya, semprotkan hairspray non-aerosol agar si poni bertahan lama.

Messy Bun
Bentuk ikal seluruh rambut dengan curling iron, kemudian tarik rambut ke belakang. Bentuk cepolan di puncak kepala, lalu jepit. Tambahkan aksesori sebagai pemanis dan pelengkap gaya.

Penulis & pengarah gaya: Erica Arifianda
Foto: Jekylim Liem
Asisten pengarah gaya: Ardelia Raissa
Digital imaging: Mega Huang
Model: Anna Poli (Posh Management)
Hairdo: Arnold
Makeup: Lucia Tan for PAC Martha Tilaar

Temukan tips & trick seputar rambut di Majalah Hair Ideas edisi terbaru. 

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Taking Their Very Sweet Time

Neon beer signs, sports team logos and sexy posters may be de rigueur in the dorm rooms of college males, but while at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Udonis Haslem went one better. Somehow the Gators basketball player managed to keep a pit bull hidden in his room — which at the time was more emblematic of where he’d been than of where he was going: Mr. Haslem is now a captain of the Miami Heat and has won three N.B.A. championships with the team.

When they met 14 years ago, Faith Rein was more focused on the dog and its illegal residence in the dorm than in the starting center of the Gators. When her attention shifted to its owner, Ms. Rein, who, like Mr. Haslem, was attending college on an athletic scholarship, remembers thinking, “He was cute and super chill, but I was dating a football player and he was seeing a girl on the volleyball team.”
They were playing in different leagues, all right. She was raised in a Virginia suburb by a black Baptist mother and a Jewish father and had been a 100-meter national champion at age 10.
“I was a Miami ghetto kid,” said Mr. Haslem, now 33, “with a drug-addicted mother, a stepmother who never married my father, and a son from a high school fling. I fought on the streets, watched friends die from drugs and violence, and learned to shoot hoops in Liberty City. I had no idea if she even liked me.”
They occasionally passed in the hallway but didn’t meet again until the following year. By that time Ms. Rein had dumped the football player and was engaged in a not-very-serious, long-distance relationship with a track star, and Mr. Haslem was recovering from a broken heart. “I was going through a rough time because my girlfriend cheated on me with another basketball player, a guy I saw every day at practice,” he said. “I like to address things and get them out in the open, but I knew better than to start trouble. I needed to move on.”
Mr. Haslem thought Ms. Rein was special because she was reserved and not full of herself. Yet when she did discuss her background, he found it intimidating.
Ms. Rein, meanwhile, was intrigued with his free-flowing conversations, which demonstrated his intelligence yet further illustrated the disparity of their childhoods.
“I liked the way he spoke, especially about life on Miami streets,” recalled Ms. Rein, who is now 32 and said she had never encountered racism in the suburban life provided by her parents. “He was dark-skinned and rough around the edges. I was very attracted.”
When nothing progressed, Ms. Rein asked him to take her out to dinner. “He joked that he would take me to Popeyes if I paid,” she said.
Over chicken and biscuits he found he “liked her competitiveness, intelligence and passion for what goes into winning and losing.”
Five minutes after dropping her at the dorm, he called and told her, “I like you, I am feeling you.” She was thrilled, but didn’t respond, hoping that he would now take the lead.
They met daily, always platonically. “Udonis was a challenge,” admitted Ms. Rein, who was more accustomed to men chasing her. “He excited me.”
Mr. Haslem said: “Faith was refreshing after the loud, confrontational, attention-seeking women I had known. She was bright and motivating, and as a jock, got what I do. But she was not easy to read, and I didn’t want to spoil our friendship by moving too fast.”
By May 2001, however, she and Mr. Haslem had become a couple, spending most of their free time together.
Their first challenge took place the following spring when she became pregnant. It was her junior and his senior year, and he had begun training for the N.B.A. draft. Despite the pregnancy, she was busy with track meets and helping him complete homework. The timing was bad.
“I am not a huge fan of abortion, but we both had sports careers, plus we could not financially handle a baby,” said Mr. Haslem, noting how he struggled with supporting Kedonis, the son he had in high school, who is now 14 and who lives with his mother.
“Udonis appreciated that I was willing to have an abortion,” Ms. Rein said. “I found him caring, supportive, nurturing and all over me to be sure I was O.K. I saw another side of him during that difficult time and fell deeply in love. He had a big heart and was the whole package.”
Maggie Steber for The New York Times
A smiling Dwyane Wade.
Their relationship was tested again when Mr. Haslem left college without graduating to practice basketball full time before the N.B.A. draft that summer, only to find himself devastated when he was not selected.
“He can go inside of himself when he feels insecure,” Ms. Rein said. “I wanted to be strong for him and let him know he had to stay positive, that this setback did not change anything between us.”
“She was the rock behind him at this very low point in his career,” observed Mike Miller, Mr. Haslem’s former Gator as well as Miami Heat teammate, now a member of the Memphis Grizzlies. With that support, Mr. Haslem rebounded quickly, accepting a position with the Élan Chalon basketball team in Chalon-sur-Saône, France, while Ms. Rein remained in Gainesville to complete her bachelor’s degree in business administration. They communicated by Web chat twice a day for a year and visited several times. They say they never had a disconnect or considered dating anyone else.
That March, when Ms. Rein called him sobbing after she tore a hamstring — forcing her to drop track — he comforted her by saying, “It’s O.K.”
Mr. Haslem returned to Florida the next month. More than 30 pounds lighter, he had rebuilt his body, chiseling it down with weight lifting, play and a new diet. While she was proud to see how great he looked, it was Mr. Haslem who got the shivers. “The loyalty she showed while I was in Europe amazed me,” he said. “She said we would live forever in Europe if that was our fate.”
When she graduated in May 2003, Mr. Haslem was playing summer-league ball as a free agent, honing his defense and rebounding skills in off-season games with the Miami Heat and the San Antonio Spurs. His new athleticism was validated when both N.B.A. teams made him offers. In August 2003, he signed with the Heat for two years. Ms. Rein was ready for them to be together, “but he wasn’t able to make a full commitment,” she said.
After gab sessions with several members of her family, Ms. Rein flexed her muscles by moving to New York to pursue a career in sports broadcasting.
“Faith and Udonis were crazy about each other,” said her older sister, Shanelle Rein-Olowokere. “But she needed to make her own money and see how it feels to be independent before becoming a basketball wife. I pushed her to go to New York.”
Mr. Haslem respected her decision, but once again questioned the differences in their backgrounds. He was baffled by her family sit-downs. “In my house,” he said, “we didn’t talk things over.”
While she worked as a production assistant for HBO’s “Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel,” they continued their Web chats and saw each other when the Heat played around the New York area. Ms. Rein yearned for him and told him so, occasionally worrying about late-night Miami parties and women chasing N.B.A. stars.
In any event, he was working hard on the court. He re-signed with the Heat in August 2005 and bought a four-bedroom house with a yard and a pool in a family community in Broward County, soon discovering that coming home to an empty space felt lonely.
“I was impressed with her independence those two years, but the separation made me realize how much I missed her and wanted to share my life with her,” he said. “I just didn’t know how to ask her to marry me. We had never lived together and while she comes from a home with parents who have been together forever, my family experience with marriage had been negative and painful. There was no happy ever after.”
Confident of his love, she joined him in February 2006, but had trouble adjusting to South Florida. For several months, she searched for a job, cleaned the house, worked out and learned the area. Mostly, she sat around waiting for Mr. Haslem to come home so she could make him dishes like tacos with yellow rice and okra followed by coconut cake.
“Udonis appreciated that I was willing to have an abortion,” Ms. Rein said. “I found him caring, supportive, nurturing and all over me to be sure I was O.K. I saw another side of him during that difficult time and fell deeply in love. He had a big heart and was the whole package.”

Their relationship was tested again when Mr. Haslem left college without graduating to practice basketball full time before the N.B.A. draft that summer, only to find himself devastated when he was not selected.
“He can go inside of himself when he feels insecure,” Ms. Rein said. “I wanted to be strong for him and let him know he had to stay positive, that this setback did not change anything between us.”
“She was the rock behind him at this very low point in his career,” observed Mike Miller, Mr. Haslem’s former Gator as well as Miami Heat teammate, now a member of the Memphis Grizzlies. With that support, Mr. Haslem rebounded quickly, accepting a position with the Élan Chalon basketball team in Chalon-sur-Saône, France, while Ms. Rein remained in Gainesville to complete her bachelor’s degree in business administration. They communicated by Web chat twice a day for a year and visited several times. They say they never had a disconnect or considered dating anyone else.
That March, when Ms. Rein called him sobbing after she tore a hamstring — forcing her to drop track — he comforted her by saying, “It’s O.K.”
Mr. Haslem returned to Florida the next month. More than 30 pounds lighter, he had rebuilt his body, chiseling it down with weight lifting, play and a new diet. While she was proud to see how great he looked, it was Mr. Haslem who got the shivers. “The loyalty she showed while I was in Europe amazed me,” he said. “She said we would live forever in Europe if that was our fate.”
When she graduated in May 2003, Mr. Haslem was playing summer-league ball as a free agent, honing his defense and rebounding skills in off-season games with the Miami Heat and the San Antonio Spurs. His new athleticism was validated when both N.B.A. teams made him offers. In August 2003, he signed with the Heat for two years. Ms. Rein was ready for them to be together, “but he wasn’t able to make a full commitment,” she said.
After gab sessions with several members of her family, Ms. Rein flexed her muscles by moving to New York to pursue a career in sports broadcasting.
“Faith and Udonis were crazy about each other,” said her older sister, Shanelle Rein-Olowokere. “But she needed to make her own money and see how it feels to be independent before becoming a basketball wife. I pushed her to go to New York.”
Mr. Haslem respected her decision, but once again questioned the differences in their backgrounds. He was baffled by her family sit-downs. “In my house,” he said, “we didn’t talk things over.”
While she worked as a production assistant for HBO’s “Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel,” they continued their Web chats and saw each other when the Heat played around the New York area. Ms. Rein yearned for him and told him so, occasionally worrying about late-night Miami parties and women chasing N.B.A. stars.
In any event, he was working hard on the court. He re-signed with the Heat in August 2005 and bought a four-bedroom house with a yard and a pool in a family community in Broward County, soon discovering that coming home to an empty space felt lonely.
“I was impressed with her independence those two years, but the separation made me realize how much I missed her and wanted to share my life with her,” he said. “I just didn’t know how to ask her to marry me. We had never lived together and while she comes from a home with parents who have been together forever, my family experience with marriage had been negative and painful. There was no happy ever after.”
Confident of his love, she joined him in February 2006, but had trouble adjusting to South Florida. For several months, she searched for a job, cleaned the house, worked out and learned the area. Mostly, she sat around waiting for Mr. Haslem to come home so she could make him dishes like tacos with yellow rice and okra followed by coconut cake.
All the while Mr. Haslem assured her that marriage was in the offing. Nevertheless, she admitted, “It was not a good time for me.” Mr. Haslem wanted her to make friends, but she was uncomfortable around the high-profile Miami Heat wives of that era. “It was a lonely existence,” she said.
Things changed quickly after their son Josiah, was born in January 2007, and Ms. Rein became a stay-at-home mom. She was extremely happy raising her son and sharing in the mercurial moments of Mr. Haslem’s thriving basketball career, including nursing his frequent injuries from his position as a power forward.
“Inside, they are the same big-hearted, family-oriented kind of people who approach life thoughtfully,” said James Jones, his Miami Heat teammate and boyhood friend. “They were already life partners.”
They had another son, Elijah, now 2 1/2. Shortly after Mr. Haslem again signed with the Heat, in July 2010, his 53-year-old mother, Debra Haslem, who had overcome her abuse of drugs, died of cancer. Shortly after that, the couple bought a bigger house in Broward County for their growing family, which included regular visits from Kedonis.
This only made Ms. Rein more anxious to become Mrs. Haslem. “I loved her just as much then as I do now,” he said. “She proved to be a strong family person and has helped me through rough times. She deserved to be happy, yet I was still afraid of marriage and had convinced myself that with a little more time it would all work out.”
That moment came last Aug. 29 after the couple enjoyed a romantic trip to Italy. Mr. Haslem was planning to ask Ms. Rein’s father for her hand in marriage when they returned to Florida; her parents, Richard and Gloria Rein, had been watching the couple’s children. During their first night back, Mr. Haslem got the answer he was looking for from Mr. Rein, but then waited until 2:30 a.m. to enter the bedroom where his intended was sound asleep. When he flipped on the lights, Ms. Rein was understandably irritated.
“All of a sudden Udonis got down on bended knee, opened the ring box and asked me to marry him,” she said. “I was shocked, but somehow managed a wide smile while blurting out, ‘Yes!’ ”
Their nondenominational seaside ceremony took place Aug. 24 at the Four Seasons Resort Palm Beach in Florida. The event was attended by 200 guests, including the Heat’s president, Pat Riley; its head coach, Erik Spoelstra; and the rapper Flo Rida. Among the players attending was LeBron James, who, wearing dark sunglasses and accompanied by Savannah Brinson, strolled in just moments before the start. The Rev. Frederick Allen, a minister ordained by Mansion Ministries of Miramar, Fla., officiated.
Carrying a bouquet of garden roses and white hydrangeas, the bride wowed the crowd in a strapless lace mermaid-style Vera Wang gown. After she and Mr. Haslem kissed four times as man and wife, they walked along a rose-strewn path to the strains of Tupac Shakur’s “2 of Amerikaz Most Wanted.”
The guests made some noise, as if the Heat had just won another basketball game.
But the happiest guest may have been the couple’s son Josiah, who breathed a long sigh of relief. “Finally,” he said, “we all have the same last name!”

Friday, August 23, 2013

6 Must Bring Beauty Items

Yes, you only need these 6 items to look good, Dear!

Tak perlu terlalu repot untuk menunjang penampilanmu agar selalu cantik dan segar lho, Dear. Kamu cuma butuh 6 item ini. Apa saja sih?

Inilah salah satu cara yang ampuh untuk menutup minyak berlebihan pada wajahmu. Gunakan bedak sesuai dengan jenis kulitmu ya agar tetap tampak alami saat diaplikasikan. Jika ingin menghadiri acara formal, sebaiknya bubuhkan foundation terlebih dahulu sebelum memakai bedak.

Blush On
Perona pipi ini merupakan penyelamatmu di saat wajah terlihat pucat atau kurang berseri. Jika bosan dengan blush on berwarna pink, coba deh Dear blush on dengan warna sedikit oranye. Warna tersebut sangat cocok dengan warna kulit gadis Indonesia.

Item ini sudah terbukti membuat wajah lebih hidup dengan menambahkan sedikit statement pada bagian matamu. Bulu mata yang panjang berkat bantuan maskara, selalu sukses membuat penampilan lebih ‘wah’, tapi tidak berlebihan.

Selain maskara yang bisa menjadi penyelamat riasan, item lainnya adalah eyeliner. Untuk penampilan sehari-hari, mungkin kamu tidak terlalu membutuhkan eyeliner. Namun, berbeda jika akan menghadiri acara karena eyeliner is a must yang harus dipakai agar tampilan wajah semakin stunning.

Lip Balm
Chopped lips are big no-no. Makanya, untuk mencegah bibir kering, kamu perlu dengan sering mengoleskan lipbalm pada bibir. Sebaiknya, pilih lip balm dengan kadar kelembaban yang sesuai dengan jenis bibir ya, Dear. Jangan lupa juga untuk mengaplikasikan lip balm sebagai base sebelum pemakaian lipstik.
Untuk menyempurnakan make up di wajah, aplikasikan lipstik sebagai sentuhan akhir. Pilih warna natural untuk daily look dan gunakan warna yang sedikit berani untuk acara khusus pada malam hari. Then, you’re good to go, Dear!